About Us

Texas Cares About Autism (TCA) is a premier facility designed to address behavioral concerns that children on the Autism Spectrum can encounter. We employ a Clinical Psychologist, Behavior Analysts, Speech/Language Pathologists, and Occupational Therapists to provide an umbrella of care. Applied Behavior Analysis is the theoretical foundation for scientifically validated treatments. However, it is not practiced without an equal dose of kindness, compassion, and gentleness.
Our facility is uniquely designed from the ground up to provide a secure, watchful environment where children on the Autism Spectrum can learn new behavior that then transfer them into the world outside. We pride ourselves in supporting our staff, engaging meaningfully with parents, and mindfully tending to the needs of our clients.
Finally, we seek to improve the lives of our clients and their families. We do not hire people who are not first, and foremost, interested in serving others. A paycheck is nice, certainly, but is fleeting. The satisfaction that comes from service, however, is eternal.

Success for all clients so far

Clients consulted in total

Certificates & Awards

Years of experience